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Running your own baking business is an incredibly busy profession, often with not enough time in the day. But have you ever stopped to think about how ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’ your baking business could be if you just made some simple changes? Well, here are a few ideas which might spark your thinking, and set you off upon the right path to a more sustainable approach…


✔ Review and evaluate your baking activities and how green they currently are. Consider what might be improved. Create a plan of action (easiest to more challenging) and make a record. That way you can work through any changes you think you are able to make one step at a time.

✔ Are you keeping a keen eye on your energy suppliers and use? Be mindful with energy consumption, review it regularly, and seek out more energy efficient equipment when possible. Simple things like making sure you don’t leave oven or fridge or oven doors open for unnecessary periods of time can also be more economical.

✔ Food waste from food production can cost you money. Can you innovate a new product utilising your misshapen items? or your waste breads. Why not list a thrift bag/ or items on a website scheme for those who are in need rather than putting it in the bin. The choice of ingredient you use can also have an impact on sustainability. Are you able to incorporate plant based into your products? Or have you checked your flours sustainability? this can improve the sustainability of your bakes.

✔ Are there things you are doing on paper which could go digital. Review how you might transfer processes into a digital format to save printing and paper.


✔ Are you buying quality supplies and equipment that can be used multiple times and will last the duration. Remember, cost cutting may seem a good idea but it isn’t always the cheaper option in the long run. Avoid single use supplies as much as you can. A great example of this would be to source a sustainable and reusable baking paper.


✔ Ask yourself what else can you recycle?  Are you using recyclable papers and packaging in every instance during your food prep, production and packaging stages? Why not do some research or better still speak with an expert supplier if you want to find a recyclable option. It’s not only greener, but it will also please your customers and new technologies mean that there are innovative options available.

✔ Recycling doesn’t just apply to things like paper, aluminium and plastics. For example, if you think your bakery needs a refresh, or you need to replace something why not look at second hand options such as furniture. Repurposing is no only good for the environment, this can save you money too.

Want to reduce your baking paper waste? Ask us about Food Paper, a sustainably sourced and fully recyclable baking paper used by baking and food businesses across the UK. Which can be pre-cut to the shapes and packed in volumes you require.

Are you using sustainable and recyclable baking paper? Ours is both. Contact us and ask to try Food Paper for free: E: [email protected]

W: T: 01773 302960

A: Fulwood Rd North, Huthwaite,
NG17 2NB, UK
T: +44 (0) 1773 302960
E: [email protected]